I received another five star review of my novel, Secret of the First Immortals recently at Amazon.com. This is the sixth five-star rating so far. If you are an agent or publisher, please contact me regarding making a hard-cover print run for this book. Contact me at: DLCox@ outlook.com
Reviews Written by
David L. Warnock (Milledgeville, GA USA)
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful
Verified Purchase(What’s this?) This review is from: Secret of the First Immortals (Kindle Edition) The best kind of speculative fiction. |
Congratulation for another 5 star rating! Pretty impressive.
Thanks, Tatsuki, I hope it will get legs soon (before I’m history!!). 😉
Thanks, Dave! 😀
Let me tell you, that was some whirlwind of a first chapter. James Leigh goes from boat to taxi to jet to Mercedes to Jeep to rope. I can see where an open mind is needed.
Thanks for checking it out, MoonDawg; Our protagonist is just getting warmed up in Chapter one……..;)
In Chapter 2 he is hot! 🙂 The protag’s bro, Dr. Kevin is off to a great start in the next chapter. I can’t help but see you tramping through the Amazon jungle. You are very knowledgeable about life in the Amazon. 😮
Hi again, MoonDawg. They say, “Write about what you know”. Dr. Kevin’s character is based on my real-life younger brother, Dr. Paul Cox. Years ago Hollywood did a movie loosely based on his work titled, “The Medicine Man”. It starred Sean Connery in the leading role. Many years ago, I went into dangerous rainforests with my brother to watch out for him as he collected medicinal plants based on what the Shamans told him. 🙂