I’ll be glad when Obama leaves office

It is hard to write this post because first, I hate writing about politics and politicians, and second, I am all in favor of Blacks in America succeeding to be fully integrated into the free society established by Caucasians in 1776. Slavery is an abomination that has no business in an enlightened society; and while the practice of enslaving Blacks captured in Africa for work on White owned farms and plantations was occurring worldwide including South America, the USA (mostly Whites) fought a horrendous civil war over the issue that killed or displaced millions of our citizens on both sides of the conflict.

It is also very interesting that upon liberation, many Black slaves did not want to leave the plantations where they lived, and the many White landowners that actually treated them as family members, enjoying the same status within the household. You seldom see any articles that point out this fun fact, and it is ‘Politically Incorrect’. And, how about his relentless efforts to get gun control legislation? Well, here is an alternate view by Blacks that are !00% American, honest, and are to be commended: Black Americans speak out

As usual, facts are swept under the table or distorted to fit the current political paradigm.

Take Kenya, for example, where Obama is a God-like figure. It’s so-called ‘freedom” was obtained at a horrific cost in lives and social development of the orderly and reasonably ‘fair’ society established by Whites who had created the country in the first place. (tribes do not create nation-states). In Kenya, this revolution was driven by the Mau-Mau and Swahili-speaking tribes, under the slogan “Uhuru”, a Swahili word meaning ‘Freedom’.

If you what to know the straight skinny about this revolution, read a book written in 1961 by one of my favorite authors, Robert Ruark:


In his speech yesterday, he called for an end to old tribal and ethnic divisions that he said are “doomed to tear our country apart” and urged Kenya’s leaders, as he did President Uhuru Kenyatta during their meetings on Saturday, to confront the terrorist threat posed by al-Shabab militants. Now, the phrase that I highlighted is semantically loaded, and says a lot about Obama’s inner feelings: He’s not just an American, he is also Kenyan.

Being raised in Muslim schools abroad, and having a long-time mentor in the US that is Muslim and a preacher of revolution in America, the USA elected a President with an agenda that may be hidden from direct public view, and may not necessarily be benevolent to all of our country’s citizens; especially Whites. While I’m glad he was elected via a majority of White voters, I would be very glad to see him replaced, except for one disturbing fact: The Republicans can’t seem to come up with at truly ‘Presidential’ candidate. There is no one in the running yet that is suitable for that high office and will represent everyone in an impartial manner.

Now is not the time to play politics. With the potential for total anarchy around the world, the USA needs a leadership group that is believable, trustworthy, selfless, and compassionate. A ‘Community organizer’ is not the sort of background that we need in our chief executive and warlord, nor is a ‘Tea Party’ advocate with little or no experience is managing vast enterprises such as our government. While Donald Trump is the first billionaire to run for office, he’s not the best either, as buying and selling real estate is not the same as building a business from scratch that contributes to the growth and prosperity of the country and the business’s own employees. Frankly, I wish men like former Utah Governor Mike Leavitt would consider running: Mike Leavitt

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