Have a fish, my friend

As some of my readers are aware, one of the things I love to do is go deep sea fishing for big Marlin and Swordfish. I got this habit back in 1976, when I took my wife at the time to Mazatlan, Mexico for a seaside vacation, and on a whim, decided to follow in Hemingway’s footsteps and go after some really big fish. She went with me, and actually caught a small Sailfish.  I landed a good-sized Blue Marlin, and it was a very enjoyable adventure. I’ve been doing it ever since from Hawaii to Cabo San Lucas.

One time at Cabo, I landed a 130 lb. Striped Marlin in only 12 minutes. For those of you who do this, you know how difficult this is. I never got to try the sport in Hemingway’s ‘Islands in the Stream’ (the northern Caribbean), and I look forward to trying it from Cuba if the U.S. government will let me go there someday soon. The last time I went was with a close friend that I took to Mazatlan. There, we rented a 30 ft. boat & crew, and set out over huge swells, some over 15 feet high; a result of a hurricane that had passed through a few days earlier.

My friend spent most of the time throwing up over the side of the boat, but as a former Air Force guy, I was used to turbulence. As I have a twisted sense of humor, every time he came back from the railing and sat down to recover, I would get out the box lunch the hotel had prepared for us, take a big bite of a chicken sandwich, and sip a beer. Seeing this sent him over the edge literally, vomiting once again. It was almost as much fun as the fishing! With all of this as a prelude, I thought my readers might enjoy a short video clip of an unusual experience some fishermen had while doing this off of the coast of Cabo San Lucas:








2 Replies to “Have a fish, my friend”

  1. That video is amazing… it’s funny how he looks up and sees the rest of the people (oh how ya doing) so cool,thanks for sharing.

  2. Thanks for the visit and your comment, rcooch; I noticed several other vids featuring Seal Lions being hand-fed there in Cabo, so maybe itisn’t so unusual…..

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