Donald Trump as a strategic tool

Before everyone in the USA has a fit about Donald Trump as a presidential candidate, I think a little strategic thought is in order. Now, it goes without saying that the current administration appears to the rest of the world as a bad joke on the American public and America’s former supporters. We can no longer afford the luxury of a fast-talking, devious chief executive whose calculus for overstocking the government with more of the same kind of ‘Patriot’, is part and parcel of what appears to be a master plan directed against the people who made his rise to ultimate power possible. To make matters worse, he seems to be incapable of strategic thought (as required of our military leaders).

In the old days when I was a member of the Air Force’s Strategic Air Command, I was privileged to be a small part of the first organized unit designed to assault and destroy the Soviet Union, if needed. It was the 4123rd Strategic Wing, and our motto was ‘Strength through Unity’. This motto mimicked the prevailing attitude of America’s leadership and its citizenry. In those days, and the crisis later created by Joseph Stalin that gave rise to the Berlin airlift (again conducted by the Air Force) and later with the ‘Cuban Missile Crisis’ it was SAC in general, and my unit in particular that made the Russians and their minions back off from further aggression (My unit won the SAC bombing competition and was awarded the Fairchild Trophy for precision bombing from very high altitudes beyond the reach of Russian fighters and missiles). 


Well, fast forward to the present. America is far from unified as a result of apathy, general ignorance, the rise of special interest groups, and political infighting. Our enemies are laughing out loud because we are no longer strong. Through the embracing of socialism in a more palatable form than Communism, we have squandered our strength by reducing our military might to a puny shadow of its former self, through force reductions and stealing money that should have gone to the caring of our veterans of foreign wars they did not instigate. Instead, we have opened the doors of our homeland to the lowest of the low: immigrants that have no regard for our laws and culture, gangs of drug dealers, and helpless, homeless, losers who would rather flee their countries of origin than fight to establish their rights as citizens.


Good, bad, or indifferent, we are now wallowing in the muck & mire of our own creation. Without strong leadership, we are doomed to more of the same until the country collapses.


Now, consider President Trump. As an egomaniac with instant access to nuclear war if he doesn’t get his way, young Vlad Putin will crap his drawers. In the KGB he was taught ‘Might is Right’ and he has been busy destroying or trying to destroy the blossoming democracies of the old Soviet Union. He has no class at all, and he could give a rat’s ass about treaty commitments. In the process, he has made himself and his cronies wealthy.


But, an American “Mad Mr. Toad” (see ‘Wind in the Willows’) will bring his bullshit to a screeching halt. With a President Trump, we won’t need ‘Strength through Unity’. He will single-handedly return America to those who work and punish those who won’t. And, I think he will eliminate all of the goofy hand-out programs such as ‘Amnesty’ and ‘Obama Care’, returning our military to its former might. I don’t really care if he makes more $Billions in the process. After all, it was the billionaires such as Andrew Carnegie that made America great in the first place. And Trump’s billionaire pals will keep him in line: it is a win-win situation. 


Do something about the hair, Donald, and ditch the Republicans!










2 Replies to “Donald Trump as a strategic tool”

  1. 😉 Today (8/11/2015) I defeated several more attacks on my computer related to this post, one purportedly from within the Vivaldi community…..Oh, well, it just sharpens my resolve to say what I think.

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