How to avoid being put in an alien zoo

 This morning, I read an interesting and fairly compelling report in the Huffington Post about UFO sightings by credible observers. You can find it here: UFO Article The most rational explanation for the cover-up of UFO visitations was made by Dr. Edgar Mitchell, the 6th human to walk on the moon:

For the moment, let’s suspend our disbelief in visitors from outer space. It has been said that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Setting aside the question of the speed of light being the limiting velocity attainable by any physical object, how else could they get here from out there? The only thing I can come up with is through the exact dead-center of a rotating ‘Black Hole’. But, as Dr. Steven Hawking has pointed out, this would likely be a portal to another universe with a different set of physical laws than our own, most universes not allowing for spaceships or human beings, or galaxies, etc. However, this same view of physics provides for an infinite number of universes, each like a bubble in a glass of beer, 

Perhaps in the 13 billion years since our universe popped into existence an evolved intelligent species after many millennia learned to remotely view and measure the characteristics of many of these universes, finally finding one that was a mirror image of our own and where they could use ‘high technology’ to enter it briefly and return; one that would support living creatures and spaceships and had physics that allowed faster than light travel and precision navigation. This would essentially be a reversible ‘Wormhole’ of an entirely new kind. 

This is a concept that is appealing to me on several different levels, and it is complementary to the mystery of DNA (at least it is a mystery to me).You see, DNA has all of the characteristics of molecular engineering and very advanced information technology. It is understandable, that the first truly advanced life form, finding itself to be alone in the universe, would want some companionship out there, and at the same time have a genetic backup for itself in case things went to hell in a hand basket from all of their celestial experimentation. Now, in my view, the reason that the SETI researchers have not detected any alien transmissions has two components: First, they learned long ago not to use the electromagnetic spectrum for communication because this type of conversation can be picked up by anyone, especially, primitive space faring civilizations that are still into conquest by force; and second, the only secure way to communicate with no possibility of eavesdropping is through quantum entanglement of photons. This is no longer science fiction; here is a recent photo of entangled photons:

Image courtesy of Popular Science 

Now, when they find an intelligent (sort of) species on the 3rd planet of a sun in a distant galaxy, what will they do? Study them of course, and send a few back home to put on exhibit. So, how do you avoid being a zoo animal? Why, by acting like a politician, preacher, or a UFO researcher. Hmmmm; Who, me???

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