The importance of Chronoastrobiology to human survival

I have written several posts about what I see as a very likely human extinction event in this blog, and you may find it hard to believe, but it was the result of some hasty original research on my part. Seeking verification of my views today by surfing the ‘Net’ I had a real eye-opening gestalt: many others have had the same idea; for example, in among the plethora of doomsday/ alarmist videos on YouTube, there are some that are actually based on scientific data and projections that see a similar timeline as the one I described. I also came across a recently published article that explains in simple terms the content of the National Academy of Sciences report on the matter. You can find it here: Humans could be the next to go

In the most likely (in my view) scenario, if we successfully reduce the human population of the planet by five billion in the next 20 years, we might be able to survive as technically advanced hunter-gatherers or horticulturalists. This also presumes that we preserve natural habitats and predator/prey ratios for the other species with which we share the planet. It will be a true ‘Spaceship Earth’ for a while. I say ‘for a while’ because there are many ways to screw things up and go extinct even after reaching homeostasis with other surviving life forms.

There is much talk going on about creating cities in space or migrating populations to other star systems as a remedy to our demise as a species. However, this may not be feasible, because if the really advanced aliens don’t squash us like bugs, we are presently too ignorant to terraform any habitable planet that we may come across. This is where the emerging science of Chronoastrobiology comes into play. In brief, structures in time are called Chronomes; their mapping in us and around us is called Chronomics. The scientific study of Chronomes is Chronobiology. And the scientific study of all aspects of biology related to the cosmos has been called Astrobiology. Hence we may dub the new study of time structures in biology with regard to influences from cosmo- helio- and geomagnetic rhythms Chronoastrobiology. It will be a necessary discipline for the ‘Spaceship Earth’ scenario as well successful migration to other star systems. Here is a lengthy abstract of the paper that discusses this new discipline: Chronoastrobiology

Elysium Starship/ Habitat—Courtesy of Tristar Pictures






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