The migrant catastrophe

It tugs on the heartstrings of any caring, compassionate person to see the image making the rounds on the Internet of the immigrant father carrying the dead body of one of his innocent children out of the surf of the Mediterranean. Seeing the stark image made me want to weep as well, although I have hardened myself over the last ten years that I have been predicting mass population displacements in my blog posts. Well, as the Chambers Brothers used to sing, “The Time Has Come Today”; In fact, here it is:

Now that you’ve had your Acid Trip for the day, what can we do? I have pointed out many times that five billion of us have to go in order for the rest of us to live sustainably. Few are willing to die voluntarily so that many others can live.Trying to think about this dilemma dispassionately is very hard because one must set aside religious beliefs and social value systems such as that of the USA which seeks the ‘greater good’ for everyone. So my only recourse for this discussion is to use reason, science, and non-Aristotelian logic (General Semantics). With all that said, here we go:

The ‘Great Die-off’ has to begin with those who drag everyone else down; the destroyers of resources and civilization, such as ISIL, followed by those who continue to over-breed as a sort of old age social security insurance policy, hoping that their children will take care of them. (I have to admit that this worked well for thousands of years in the past, but that was then and now it’s now).

So, it seems that our efforts to save the ‘Innocent’ masses that are migrating with their children out of regions of conflict, must be focused on those that are educated or have critical skills useful to the ‘survivors’ of humanity. The rest should likely be confined in camps in their countries of origin. Regardless of the firefights, ground wars, religious-based terrorism and so forth going on, this must be done quickly. And the camps must be provisioned adequately, including food and water, and guarded by the rest of us in order for the candidates to be tested and otherwise identified as worthy of salvation. If done in nature this would be called ‘Darwinism’ or ‘Natural Selection’. Unfortunately, this winnowing of the herd by nature usually takes thousands of years, and we no longer have the luxury of time. The candidates that get a ‘passing grade’ get assimilated into our societies carefully.

This kind of ‘testing’ and confinement must also take place within ‘developed’ countries, and ‘western’ or ‘democratic’ societies as well. When the dust settles, the ‘fit’ among us can start the rebuilding process. The new human paradigm will be environmental remediation, with forestry workers and fish& game folks having the same privileges as engineers, teachers, farmers, and physicians. Here is the alternative:

Advanced societies and countries will be quickly overrun and bankrupted, as well as suffer social collapse caused by displaced populations, terrorist infiltrators and fanatics. Feudal groups within the smoldering remains of ‘civilization’ will arise with the wealthy having their own armies, and social disorder will continue while the planet is being rendered uninhabitable by environmental change.

The Deluge (oil on canvas by Thomas Cole 1857) 




3 Replies to “The migrant catastrophe”

  1. My pal, Awesome had this response to my post:
    Hey Ravo,
    Well done. As you wrote: “Advanced societies and countries will be quickly overrun and bankrupted, as well as suffer social collapse caused by displaced populations, terrorist infiltrators and fanatics. Feudal groups within the smoldering remains of ‘civilization’ will arise with the wealthy having their own armies, and social disorder will continue while the planet is being rendered uninhabitable by environmental change.”
    This is already happening.
    Can you imagine with the cultural mind-sets based on primitive superstition and Control-Control-Control how the “camps” would be? There might be something like Manzanar at the beginning, if indeed anything like the idea of testing and Euthanasia were to even get started. China, India all the Serbo-Croation countries, Italy, Indonesia…etc. etc…..what a Freakin’ madhouse that would be. It would make the thousands of death and work-to-death camps throughout Europe, the Balkans, and Russia from before WW 2 and onward look like “the good old days”.
    The Rats are having to desert all the sinking ships throughout the world. And, the rats are just human beings like all us other “rats in the cage” looking to stay alive. The world is heating up. Did you read about the upward spike in murder-violence in LA during August…when it was so Blazingly Humid and Hot? Heat doesn’t just induce torpor.
    You ought to come to Coronado for a two-month long vacation and see how the well-to-do are living amid the surrounding chaos. We have military protection. We have a moat surrounding all but one small stretch of land, and that is guarded by the Navy Seal Team. We have an almost “Leave –It-To-Beaver-esque” community in a 3-square mile village with a tax revenue base of about $80,000,000.00-a-year.
    Meanwhile the poor are getting poorer, are getting slaughtered by people to whom killing has become a way of life, and there’s no shortage of those assholes. And, meanwhile, sometimes when the US shows up to “help” militarily, it’s often a case of “We’re here to help ourselves”.
    Pax Americana. “To everything (Turn-Turn-Turn) there is a season..” and currently we have the most absurd people stumping to become president?! Geeze-Louise! It’s too overwhelming for this ol’ fellow. (but, hey, it’s been that way since I was a kid).
    I turned my grandson Aidan on to “Time Has Come Today” in one of those Kismet moments when we were driving along with the radio playing and that song came on. I said, “Check this one out A-Boy” and turned up the volume. Oh, yeah! (he was amazed)
    Hey, I read recently a statistic that I can hardly believe: that there are more Spanish speaking people in the US than in any other individual country except Mexico! (Can that be true?) There are 52 million Spanish speakers in the US.
    Subvert the language…..confuse the issues….and be sure to read the non-fiction 1957 book by Aldous Huxley: Brave New World Reivsited”.
    Hugs con gusto Amigo.

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