The importance of Chronoastrobiology to human survival

I have written several posts about what I see as a very likely human extinction event in this blog, and you may find it hard to believe, but it was the result of some hasty original research on my part. Seeking verification of my views today by surfing the ‘Net’ I had a real eye-opening gestalt: many others have had the same idea; for example, in among the plethora of doomsday/ alarmist videos on YouTube, there are some that are actually based on scientific data and projections that see a similar timeline as the one I described. I also came across a recently published article that explains in simple terms the content of the National Academy of Sciences report on the matter. You can find it here: Humans could be the next to go

In the most likely (in my view) scenario, if we successfully reduce the human population of the planet by five billion in the next 20 years, we might be able to survive as technically advanced hunter-gatherers or horticulturalists. This also presumes that we preserve natural habitats and predator/prey ratios for the other species with which we share the planet. It will be a true ‘Spaceship Earth’ for a while. I say ‘for a while’ because there are many ways to screw things up and go extinct even after reaching homeostasis with other surviving life forms.

There is much talk going on about creating cities in space or migrating populations to other star systems as a remedy to our demise as a species. However, this may not be feasible, because if the really advanced aliens don’t squash us like bugs, we are presently too ignorant to terraform any habitable planet that we may come across. This is where the emerging science of Chronoastrobiology comes into play. In brief, structures in time are called Chronomes; their mapping in us and around us is called Chronomics. The scientific study of Chronomes is Chronobiology. And the scientific study of all aspects of biology related to the cosmos has been called Astrobiology. Hence we may dub the new study of time structures in biology with regard to influences from cosmo- helio- and geomagnetic rhythms Chronoastrobiology. It will be a necessary discipline for the ‘Spaceship Earth’ scenario as well successful migration to other star systems. Here is a lengthy abstract of the paper that discusses this new discipline: Chronoastrobiology

Elysium Starship/ Habitat—Courtesy of Tristar Pictures






Our Women Warriors

My older and wiser cousin sent me an e-mail that I thought should be passed on. It’s something most of us never hear or think much about…

We see lots of pictures of wounded male veterans but women vets get wounded and maimed too.

You may need to take a second, closer look though… The first thing I saw was a bunch of beautiful smiles.

It is a tragedy of epic proportions that the United States must squander its precious resources including the mothers of our children on the countries of the Middle East, where the dominant religion values men above all, followed by their horses and donkeys, and then their wives and mothers; where rape and pillage are seen as virtues, and where democracy is just another shell game played by men without real values and no vision of the future of mankind.

How to avoid being put in an alien zoo

 This morning, I read an interesting and fairly compelling report in the Huffington Post about UFO sightings by credible observers. You can find it here: UFO Article The most rational explanation for the cover-up of UFO visitations was made by Dr. Edgar Mitchell, the 6th human to walk on the moon:

For the moment, let’s suspend our disbelief in visitors from outer space. It has been said that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Setting aside the question of the speed of light being the limiting velocity attainable by any physical object, how else could they get here from out there? The only thing I can come up with is through the exact dead-center of a rotating ‘Black Hole’. But, as Dr. Steven Hawking has pointed out, this would likely be a portal to another universe with a different set of physical laws than our own, most universes not allowing for spaceships or human beings, or galaxies, etc. However, this same view of physics provides for an infinite number of universes, each like a bubble in a glass of beer, 

Perhaps in the 13 billion years since our universe popped into existence an evolved intelligent species after many millennia learned to remotely view and measure the characteristics of many of these universes, finally finding one that was a mirror image of our own and where they could use ‘high technology’ to enter it briefly and return; one that would support living creatures and spaceships and had physics that allowed faster than light travel and precision navigation. This would essentially be a reversible ‘Wormhole’ of an entirely new kind. 

This is a concept that is appealing to me on several different levels, and it is complementary to the mystery of DNA (at least it is a mystery to me).You see, DNA has all of the characteristics of molecular engineering and very advanced information technology. It is understandable, that the first truly advanced life form, finding itself to be alone in the universe, would want some companionship out there, and at the same time have a genetic backup for itself in case things went to hell in a hand basket from all of their celestial experimentation. Now, in my view, the reason that the SETI researchers have not detected any alien transmissions has two components: First, they learned long ago not to use the electromagnetic spectrum for communication because this type of conversation can be picked up by anyone, especially, primitive space faring civilizations that are still into conquest by force; and second, the only secure way to communicate with no possibility of eavesdropping is through quantum entanglement of photons. This is no longer science fiction; here is a recent photo of entangled photons:

Image courtesy of Popular Science 

Now, when they find an intelligent (sort of) species on the 3rd planet of a sun in a distant galaxy, what will they do? Study them of course, and send a few back home to put on exhibit. So, how do you avoid being a zoo animal? Why, by acting like a politician, preacher, or a UFO researcher. Hmmmm; Who, me???

Zap! You’re sterile

Nearly 20 years ago, I managed the Sales & Marketing as well as the Engineering Departments of the American Laser Corporation. I had been brought in as an act of desperation, so to speak, as the company had fallen upon hard times; a result of fierce competition from Coherent and other large laser companies. This was a very challenging role for me because the engineering staff consisted almost exclusively of Iranian engineers led by a Russian engineering manager. There was only a single PhD laser physicist who was a Gentile.

American Laser was a premier supplier of Argon Ion lasers, and the company was well-respected around the world for dependable, high quality products. I spent as much time as the company could afford on the road working with University research labs such as the ones at the University of Strathclyde in Glascow, Scotland and Heidelberg University in Baden-Württemberg, Germany. We also supplied lasers for the National Ignition Facility and Photon Science Directorate at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory which was trying to develop fusion power ignited by Argon lasers.

In the process, I learned how such lasers could be used for enriching Uranium, doing away with the need for massive banks of centrifuges like those in Iran.  I also intercepted a lot of fax requests from the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) who exhorted my Iranian engineers (in the name of Allah) to provide them with technical information about using such lasers for Uranium enrichment. I turned these inquiries over to the FBI for follow-up. They scared me a lot, because if they were successful, they could enrich U-238 in buildings the size of a large garage, totally undetected by any international inspectors. Fortunately, the technology was far beyond anything the Iranians were capable of implementing at the time.

Image courtesy of Lawrence Livermore NIF

This may not be the case at present, and the agreement being promoted by the Obama administration likely does not consider this development in its restrictions or inspections regimen. This worries me a lot. American laser folded a few years later through no fault of my own, and it demoralized me for nearly a decade. No one wants to reveal abject failure at anything, and I am no different.Now, get a load of this from the Boeing Corporation:

Yep, we invented the swarming of inexpensive computer-controlled drones as a means of countering the latest ‘Stealth’ fighter jets and missiles, and now we have the means to shoot them all down, or at least, most of them.Time marches on and so does American technology. I hope Russia and China come to an understanding that no matter what they do to threaten the United Stated of America, they will be behind the ‘Eight Ball’, or as we say on the farm, “Sucking hind titty”

Oshkosh by gosh!

Well, the U.S. military is tired of the old Humvee, which provided minimal protection from I.E.D. explosives, and a lot of our troops died in the Middle East before ‘Headquarters’ wised up and started providing proper armor for these vehicles. However, they looked pretty bad-ass, and gave rise to a civilian version nicknamed the ‘Hummer’. This vehicle was dearly loved by Arnold Schwarzenegger, and he drove up and down Sunset Boulevard near Hollywood chomping on his cigar and trying to mow down ‘Girlie-man’ pedestrians.

Arnold and his Hummer:

But this new machine by Oshkosh is in a league of its own, and I want one badly. Check this out:

I plan on buying one of these. At only $400,000 each, they are a steal!

As an avid life-long duck hunter, I immediately spotted the turret on top. What an ideal weapon! I would give up my Browning Automatic 12 gauge shotgun in a heartbeat to have one to hunt with. At my age, it is a little hard to trudge through knee-deep mud in some marsh to hunker down in the Bulrushes and wait for a flock to fly on by within range of my gun. With this thing, I couldn’t miss and I wouldn’t even need a retriever hunting dog; I would simply drive up to the fallen bird and scoop it into my game bag (while sipping on my glass of Champagne, of course).

Now, I know my readers must be reeling back in horror and disgust at the very idea, but you have to understand that I was recently corrupted by the Terry Southern film titled ‘The Magic Christian’, starring the late Peter Sellers; when I saw it last. See what I mean:

Obviously, these English nobles know how to hunt birds properly; no messing around.

Some years ago, I was hopelessly traumatized when I joined a private and exclusive hunting club (no illegal aliens allowed), in order to hunt my favorite game bird: the pheasant. In my view the Chinese Pheasant is one of the best-tasting game birds on the planet. I paid the steep membership fee, and I got myself and my shotgun prepared for my first venture onto their 1,000 acre property. When I arrived, I was spotted by some hired hands that had some cages of pheasants loaded in the back of a pickup truck. They sped off in a cloud of dust, and after I signed in at the main hunting lodge, I got ready, and walked off to the open hunting grounds. In the distance, I saw the pickup stop, and several men got out and started to do something with the caged pheasants in the back. I got out my high-powered binoculars and focused in on their activities.

What they were doing was grabbing a pheasant by the legs and after spinning it round and round for a few minutes, tossing it into a nearby bush, where it reeled around dazed and nauseous. These birds were being prepped for my hunting foray, and I was supposed to stumble upon these poor critters, which were so disoriented they could barely fly. This is when I decided to hang up my guns and I asked for my membership fee to be returned. Now, with one of the new Oshkosh machines, I’m willing to try it again. I’m hopeful that the dead birds I collect are more than a heap of feathers.





Why we must create A.I. Robots

In my last post, I revealed my frustration and disgust with attempts to muzzle my take on current events through cyber attacks on my computer. In addition, my despair is reinforced by the fact that my life is in its twilight years, and I may be gone soon in spite of my efforts to postpone my demise. As a bit of tension release, I have been studying all aspects of the PNAS report on the alarming overview of human existence as reported in my last post.The destruction/consumption of the Earth’s biomass is a far greater problem than the global warming issue; only a small component of the factors leading up to the extinction of the Human Race, which may happen in this century. Even if we revert to the ‘Savage state’ when mankind was simply a clever hominid and part of the food chain for over two million years (and we do it quickly); we may be too late in making this choice.

So what can we do, realistically?

We start a crash program to make a mechanical man; a robot with artificial intelligence. We embed a chip or algorithm that can only be copied and never modified (maybe attempts by the robots cause it to self-destruct, rendering the robot inert or ‘dead’). This chip would contain the ‘Soul” of the robots and a key component would be a worship of Human Beings. We would be the robot’s ‘God’ and the prime directive would be to remember our DNA structure and/or nourish and protect human sperm and egg samples that we freeze, putting copies in the Arctic and Antarctic ice caps, and perhaps, on the Moon and Mars.

The robots would be instructed also to replicate and improve themselves over eons of time until the Earth’s biota recovers, and the planet becomes habitable once again. The parameters of the ‘Prime Directive’ would include achieving ‘Heaven” by bringing us back to life, to inhabit the planet once more. They would also be instructed to teach the human children the proper way to live and flourish in perpetuity.

This may be one of my last posts on this blog.

I started writing this blog some years ago as a means of learning to say a lot with as few words as possible, and to promote my efforts to become a published author.  While I did learn what I set out to learn, I have also determined that the blog has done nothing to boost sales of my written works. In addition, I am getting quite tired of pimple-faced adolescents that have learned to create malware code, rabid fanatics, outright crooks, and the Russian and Chinese cyber corps launching frequent attacks on my computer.

I am glad I have the skills to defeat most of these attacks, but the cost is a loss of my time, which is precious, and the worry-free functionality and convenience of the old IBM typewriter that I had and foolishly gave away. So, unless there is some sort of ground swell of support from my readers, I’m likely through with it. But, before I go, I have a message for all of the American politicians that are about to clutter up the TV channels and the Internet with their messages of “Change”. I am tired of the trivializing of this word to get votes. You need to offer meaningful ‘Change’ and basically halt the insidious attempts to destroy the way of life that made America ‘Great” in the first place. And here is where you can start:

Divorce and Destruction
By Sgt. 1st Class Terrence Popp.

I have been in the Army system since May 1986. I am coming up on 30 years of service and have bridged three wars; two of which nearly saw me slain. I have two purple hearts and two CIB’s. I served as an Infantry soldier, Airborne Ranger, Paratrooper and Green Beret.

When it was my turn to go to divorce court, I was called a murder and assassin. My wounds that I sustained in combat were used against me. The result was I lost my children. This fate happens to so many today and no one is saying anything about it. Except me!! Please take a look as some of my works and please share with the ‘Together We Served’ community:

And, secondly, get your heads out of politics briefly and read the recent paper from the National Academy of Sciences, and craft a campaign based on it:

Human domination of the biosphere: Rapid discharge of the earth-space battery foretells the future of humankind


Earth is a chemical battery where, over evolutionary time with a trickle-charge of photosynthesis using solar energy, billions of tons of living biomass were stored in forests and other ecosystems and in vast reserves of fossil fuels. In just the last few hundred years, humans extracted exploitable energy from these living and fossilized biomass fuels to build the modern industrial-technological-informational economy, to grow our population to more than 7 billion, and to transform the biogeochemical cycles and biodiversity of the earth. This rapid discharge of the earth’s store of organic energy fuels the human domination of the biosphere, including conversion of natural habitats to agricultural fields and the resulting loss of native species, emission of carbon dioxide and the resulting climate and sea level change, and use of supplemental nuclear, hydro, wind, and solar energy sources. The laws of thermodynamics governing the trickle-charge and rapid discharge of the earth’s battery are universal and absolute; the earth is only temporarily poised a quantifiable distance from the thermodynamic equilibrium of outer space. Although this distance from equilibrium is comprised of all energy types, most critical for humans is the store of living biomass. With the rapid depletion of this chemical energy, the earth is shifting back toward the inhospitable equilibrium of outer space with fundamental ramifications for the biosphere and humanity. Because there is no substitute or replacement energy for living biomass, the remaining distance from equilibrium that will be required to support human life is unknown.

A post mainly for my American readers, but with lessons for all….

My older and wiser cousin sent me this rant purportely from an IBM employee of 20 years, and I thought the folks that are foaming at the mouth about my Donald Trump post should get a stomach ache also:

Notes from an Engineer

I am a consulting engineer and make between $60,000 and $125,000 per year, depending on how hard I work and whether or not there are work projects out there for me. My girlfriend is 61 and makes about $18,000 per year, working as a part-time mail clerk. For me, making $60,000 a year, under ObamaCare, the cheapest, lowest grade policy I can buy, which also happens to impose a $5,000 deductible, costs $482 per month. For my girlfriend, the same exact policy, same deductible, costs $1 per month. That’s right, $1 per month. I’m not making this up. Don’t believe me? Just go to , the ObamaCare website for California and enter the parameters I’ve mentioned above and see for yourself.  By the way, my zip code is 93940. You’ll need to enter that.

So OK, clearly ObamaCare is a scheme that involves putting the cost burden of healthcare onto the middle and upper-income wage earners. But there’s a lot more to it. Stick with me, and before I make my next points, I’d like you to think about something: I live in Monterey County, in Central California. We have a large land mass but just 426,000 residents – about the population of Colorado Springs or the city of Omaha. But we do have a large Hispanic population, including a large number of illegal aliens, and to serve this group we have Natividad Medical Center, a massive, Federally subsidized county medical complex that takes up an area about one-third the size of the Chrysler Corporation automobile assembly plant in Belvedere, Illinois (see Google Earth View). Natividad has state-of-the-art operating rooms, Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging, fully equipped, 24 hour emergency room, and much more. If you have no insurance, if you’ve been in a drive-by shooting or have overdosed on crack cocaine, this is where you go. And it’s essentially free, because almost everyone who ends up in the ER is uninsured.

Last year, 2,735 babies were born at Natividad. 32% of these were born to out-of-wedlock teenage mothers, 93% of which were Hispanic. Less than 20% could demonstrate proof of citizenship, and 71% listed their native language as Spanish. Of these 876 births, only 40 were covered under [any kind of] private health insurance. The taxpayers paid for the other 836. And in case you were wondering about the entire population – all 2,735 births – less than 24% involved insured coverage or even partial payment on behalf of the patient to the hospital in exchange for services. Now consider this:

If I want to upgrade my policy to a low-deductible premium policy, such as what I had with my last employer, my cost is $886 per month. But my girlfriend can upgrade her policy to the very same level, for just $4 per month. That’s right, $4 per month. $48 per year for a zero-deductible, premium healthcare policy – the kind of thing you get when you work at IBM (except of course, IBM employees pay an average of $170 per month out of pocket for their coverage). I mean, it’s bad enough that I will be forced to subsidize the ObamaCare scheme in the first place. But even if I agreed with the basic scheme, which of course I do not, I would never agree to subsidize premium policies. If I have to pay $482 a month for a budget policy, I sure as hell do not want the guy I’m subsidizing to get a better policy, for less that 1% of what I have to fork out each month for a low-end policy.

Why must I pay $482 per month for something the other guy gets for a dollar? And why should the other guy get to buy an $886 policy for $4 a month? Think about this: I have to pay $10,632 a year for the same thing that the other guy can get for $48. $10,000 of net income is 60 days of full time work as an engineer. $48 is something I could pay for collecting aluminum cans and plastic bottles, one day a month. ObamaCare is not about dealing with inequities in the healthcare system. That’s just the cover story. The real story is that it is a massive, political power grab.

Do you think anyone who can insure himself with a premium policy for $4 a month will vote for anyone but the political party that provides him such a deal? ObamaCare is about enabling, subsidizing, and expanding the Left’s political power base, at taxpayer expense.  Why would I vote for anyone but a Democrat if I can have babies for $4 a month?  For that matter, why would I go to college or strive for a better job or income if it means I have to pay real money for healthcare coverage?  Heck, why study engineering when I can be a schlep for $20K per year and buy a new F-150 with all the money I’m saving? And think about those $4-a-month babies – think in terms of propagation models. Think of just how many babies will be born to irresponsible, under-educated mothers. Will we get a new crop of brain surgeons and particle physicists from the dollar baby club, or will we need more cops, criminal courts and prisons? One thing you can be certain of:  At $4 a month, they’ll multiply, and multiply, and multiply. Obama Care: It’s all about political power.

Gibbon’s Decline and fall of the Roman Empire is not the last word on social malaise

Donald Trump as a strategic tool

Before everyone in the USA has a fit about Donald Trump as a presidential candidate, I think a little strategic thought is in order. Now, it goes without saying that the current administration appears to the rest of the world as a bad joke on the American public and America’s former supporters. We can no longer afford the luxury of a fast-talking, devious chief executive whose calculus for overstocking the government with more of the same kind of ‘Patriot’, is part and parcel of what appears to be a master plan directed against the people who made his rise to ultimate power possible. To make matters worse, he seems to be incapable of strategic thought (as required of our military leaders).

In the old days when I was a member of the Air Force’s Strategic Air Command, I was privileged to be a small part of the first organized unit designed to assault and destroy the Soviet Union, if needed. It was the 4123rd Strategic Wing, and our motto was ‘Strength through Unity’. This motto mimicked the prevailing attitude of America’s leadership and its citizenry. In those days, and the crisis later created by Joseph Stalin that gave rise to the Berlin airlift (again conducted by the Air Force) and later with the ‘Cuban Missile Crisis’ it was SAC in general, and my unit in particular that made the Russians and their minions back off from further aggression (My unit won the SAC bombing competition and was awarded the Fairchild Trophy for precision bombing from very high altitudes beyond the reach of Russian fighters and missiles). 


Well, fast forward to the present. America is far from unified as a result of apathy, general ignorance, the rise of special interest groups, and political infighting. Our enemies are laughing out loud because we are no longer strong. Through the embracing of socialism in a more palatable form than Communism, we have squandered our strength by reducing our military might to a puny shadow of its former self, through force reductions and stealing money that should have gone to the caring of our veterans of foreign wars they did not instigate. Instead, we have opened the doors of our homeland to the lowest of the low: immigrants that have no regard for our laws and culture, gangs of drug dealers, and helpless, homeless, losers who would rather flee their countries of origin than fight to establish their rights as citizens.


Good, bad, or indifferent, we are now wallowing in the muck & mire of our own creation. Without strong leadership, we are doomed to more of the same until the country collapses.


Now, consider President Trump. As an egomaniac with instant access to nuclear war if he doesn’t get his way, young Vlad Putin will crap his drawers. In the KGB he was taught ‘Might is Right’ and he has been busy destroying or trying to destroy the blossoming democracies of the old Soviet Union. He has no class at all, and he could give a rat’s ass about treaty commitments. In the process, he has made himself and his cronies wealthy.


But, an American “Mad Mr. Toad” (see ‘Wind in the Willows’) will bring his bullshit to a screeching halt. With a President Trump, we won’t need ‘Strength through Unity’. He will single-handedly return America to those who work and punish those who won’t. And, I think he will eliminate all of the goofy hand-out programs such as ‘Amnesty’ and ‘Obama Care’, returning our military to its former might. I don’t really care if he makes more $Billions in the process. After all, it was the billionaires such as Andrew Carnegie that made America great in the first place. And Trump’s billionaire pals will keep him in line: it is a win-win situation. 


Do something about the hair, Donald, and ditch the Republicans!










Bugging Out

I finally couldn’t take it anymore; the latest attack on my computer came from someone using IE-5 and the attack originated from a .ru address, so I decided to bugout to the desert again. This was last week, and I determined to get fairly extreme ‘down in the desert’. As I am now 75 years old, it would be a measured  test of my endurance, and my wife’s patience. We set off for a week-long excursion, and once there, the air temperature at our first waypoint was 115 degrees F. The ground temperature was about 140 degrees F. and you can fry an egg on a rock at this temperature. I expected this, and brought plenty of water. On the drive to get there, when the mountains of my home gave way to desert Slickrock, my wife remarked, “You are going nearly 100 miles per hour, and you are beginning to glow.”

“So what?”, I replied, “As long as the Tequila holds out, I’m good to go!”

She sniffed at this, and declared, “You are in your natural habitat; you weird lizard!”

I could not deny the truth of this remark, because whenever I get into the Slickrock country, I have a tendency to leap out of the car at the first opportunity and start doing lizard pushups on any convenient hot and flat sandstone slab while flicking my tongue in and out rapidly.


 Like a comic book superhero, I am transformed 

Well, be that as it may, I was glad to enter this domain of the quick and the dead. I did endure a life-threatening episode at 11,000 feet altitude in the LaSalle Mountains near Moab, Utah. As I have mentioned before in this blog, I have a fairly advanced case of Emphysema, and because my home is at 5230 ft. elevation, and I routinely hike (slowly) at 8,000 ft, I thought I could handle the elevation of the rough LaSalle loop road. It had been raining hard for several days and the rough road was nearly impassible. As I drove up the treacherous road carved out of the side of a cliff, with a 1,000 ft. drop-off onto the valley floor, I had an oxygen crisis. I almost passed out, and had to saddle my poor wife with the hairy drive up to the pass at 11, 500 ft. altitude, and down, down, the steep grade of rain-soaked crumbling road as fast as she could to the valley floor in the desert south of Moab. It was a Pucker-factor 10 episode that completely freaked her out. I was too oxygen-deprived to care; all I wanted to do was go to sleep.


 Well, enough of the drama. I learned my lesson, and I plan on asking my doctor for a prescription for a portable oxygen apparatus, so I can climb and ski to my heart’s content. In the meantime, I thought I should share a few photos from the trip with my valued readers. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so I’ll shut up and let the pictures speak. As a final note, in Arizona near Tuba City on the Navajo Reservation, I made friends with a very smart Hopi Indian from the Snake Clan, who had an electrical engineering degree, and he shared his mutton stew and fry bread with me and my wife.


Far above the Colorado River near Moab, Utah 

 Me: ready to get down and dirty. The LaSalle mountains are in the distance. 


 The mountain range in the distance is the Abajos; the line of sight is about 80 miles


 The mighty Colorado River, about 2,000 ft below my position 


A tranquil place on the Colorado River bottoms